What does the DWQR do?
The Drinking Water Quality Regulator for Scotland (DWQR) exists to ensure that drinking water in Scotland is safe to drink. There are two types of water supply in Scotland:
Public Water Supply (Scottish Water)
- Monitors the quality of water samples taken by Scottish Water
- Serves Enforcement Notices where serious breaches of the regulations have occurred
- Checks Scottish Water are taking and analysing samples correctly
- Inspects Scottish Water’s assets and activities
- Oversees the quality-driven investment programme
- Assists consumers where Scottish Water has failed to adequately resolve a complaint
Private Water Supply
- Reports on the quality of private water supplies
- Checks that local authorities are regulating private water supplies in their area
- Provides guidance and clarification to local authorities
The DWQR also ensures accurate, impartial information is available on drinking water quality in Scotland and promotes the use of robust water science.
Find out more about DWQR and how we work
Information on the Repairing Standard March 2024 and Product Approval Letters
If you would like more information on the Housing Repairing Standard for Landlords that is coming into place in March 2024. Annex D1: Installations for the supply of water - Repairing Standard: statutory guidance for private landlords - gov.scot
Please contact the Scottish Government's Central Correspondence Unit at CentralCorrespondenceUnit@gov.scot
Also use the above email address if you are missing a Regulation 33 Letter and address this to the Scottish Governments Water Policy Team